The Official e-Magazine of Dr. O.P. Bhalla Foundation
15th Edition is out! Read it now!
Dr. O P Bhalla Foundation has launched the 15th edition of Karmayogi. We discuss the concept of Sustainable Development Goals and their global impact. Also stay updated with all social initiatives and welfare activities of Dr. O P Bhalla Foundation.
What is Karmayogi?
Karmayogi is the official quarterly e-magazine of Dr. O P Bhalla Foundation, which is packed full of information about the Foundation and its work, so you can learn all about us and how we’re making a difference in the world.
The magazine contains news about our ongoing events and programs, and social initiatives. In addition, we also publish articles on various aspects of societal welfare. The magazine also features interviews with individuals who are doing incredible things in this field, as well as articles written by experts in the field.
Previous Issues
Submit your articles Now!
15th Edition is publishing in July 2024. Theme is Sustainable Development Goals. Entries are accepted till March 27th, 2024. Submit your Articles now at: opbhallafoundation@mrei.ac.in